Downloading and uploading data

  1. Downloading data
  2. Uploading data

The module josm/api provides two classes for downloading data from and uploading data to the central OSM server:

  • Api - provides methods for downloading and uploading data

  • ChangesetApi - provides methods for opening, updating, closing, and downloading changesets

Downloading data

The class Api provides several methods to download data using the OSM API.

Here’s a sample scripts which downloads data in a bounding box:

import josm from 'josm'
import {Api} from 'josm/api'
const dataset = Api.downloadArea({
  min: {lat: 46.9479186, lon: 7.4619484},
  max: {lat: 46.9497642, lon: 7.4660683}
josm.layers.addDataLayer({ds: dataset, name: 'Obstberg'})

Uploading data

The class Api provides the method upload() to upload data to the server. You can use it to upload data using one of the upload strategies JOSM supports:

  • uploading each object individually
  • uploading objects in chunks
  • uploading objects in one go
import {DataSet, DataSetUtil} from 'josm/ds'
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Be careful when uploading to the OSMs main database!
// This example uploads to the development instance
// of the OSM database.
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
const DEV_API_URL = ""
const DEV_API_HOST = ""
ApiConfig.serverUrl = DEV_API_URL
ApiConfig.authMethod = 'basic'
    user: 'my-user-id',
  {host: DEV_API_HOST}

const dsUtil = new DataSetUtil(new DataSet())
// create two nodes ...
const nodes = [
// ... and a way with these nodes
const ways = [

// upload the new data
let processedPrimitives = Api.upload(dsUtil.ds)
processedPrimitives.forEach(primitive => {
  // after uploading the primitive is assigned a globally unique id
  util.assert(primitive.getUniqueId() > 0)
  // after uploading the initial version is 1
  util.assert(primitive.getVersion() === 1)