Manipulating data

  1. Creating OSM primitives
  2. Setting and getting properties of OSM primitives
  3. Primitives and datasets
  4. Primitives and layers
  5. Find primitives in a dataset

JOSM is a powerful tool for creating maps, although the map data structure is quite simple. There are only three basic types of objects, or OSM primitives:

  1. nodes – individual points at a specific position
  2. ways – sequences of nodes
  3. relations – arbitrary ordered lists of nodes, ways, or other relations

Most of the scripts run by the Scripting Plugin will have to manipulate these primitives in one way or the other. A script manipulates the same java objects representing data primitives as JOSM does. The public methods and fields of the respective Java classes are available for scripting.

The API V3 provides a builder class for each OSM primitive. The following table lists the names of the Java classes for OSM primitives with their JavaScript builder classes.

Kind of primitive Java class JavaScript builder class
node Node
(extending OsmPrimitive)
way Way
(extending OsmPrimitive)
relation Relation
(extending OsmPrimitive)

Creating OSM primitives

You can invoke a constructor of the Java class to create a node, a way, or a relation.

const Node = Java.type('')
const Relation = Java.type('')
const LatLon = Java.type('')
import * as console from 'josm/scriptingconsole'

// Create a new node at position [12.45, 45.56]
const node = new Node(new LatLon(12.45, 45.56))
console.println(`Created a node - id=${node.getUniqueId()}`)

// Create a new empty relation with global id 12345 and global version 6
const relation = new Relation(12345, 6)
console.println(`Created a relation - id=${relation.getUniqueId()}`)

The JOSM Scripting Plugin includes three builders to create OSM primitives in JavaScript, see the overview table above. You can use a matching builder to create the primitives from the previous example:

import * as console from 'josm/scriptingconsole'
import { NodeBuilder, RelationBuilder } from 'josm/builder'

let node
// Create a new node at position [12.45, 45.56]
node = NodeBuilder.withPosition(12.45,45.56).create()

// ... or ...
node = NodeBuilder.create({lat: 12.45, lon: 45.56})
console.println(`Created a node - id=${node.getUniqueId()}`)

let relation
// Create a new  relation with global id 12345 and global version 6
relation  = RelationBuilder.withId(12345,6).create()
// .. or ..
relation = RelationBuilder.create(12345, {version: 6})
console.println(`Created a relation - id=${relation.getUniqueId()}`)

Setting and getting properties of OSM primitives

The native JOSM classes provide public setter and getter methods to set and get property values on OSM primitives.

See javadoc for

A few examples:

import * as console from 'josm/scriptingconsole'
import { NodeBuilder, RelationBuilder } from 'josm/builder'
const LatLon = Java.type('')

let node = NodeBuilder.create({lat: 12.45, lon: 45.56})

// set whether a node is modified
console.println(`node is modified: ${node.isModified()}`)

// set the coordinates of a node
node.setCoor(new LatLon(1.0, 2.0))
console.println(`node coordinates: \
  lat=${node.getCoor().lat()}, \

Primitives and datasets

JOSM manages interconnected primitives in a DataSet, a kind of container for nodes, ways, and relations. A primitive doesn’t have to belong to a dataset, but if it does, it can belong to at most one dataset. The dataset is said to be its parent.

There are two main differences between detached primitives and those attached to a dataset:

  1. more integrity constraints are checked for attached primitives

    Consequence: what may work on a detached primitive may fail on an attached one

  2. data changes are notified to listeners listening to change events on the parent data set

    Consequence: even simple property assignments on primitives may result in costly event propagation and UI refreshing.

    Consider to group batches of updates on attached primitives in a batch which notifies listeners only once about data change events for the entire batch:

     import { NodeBuilder, RelationBuilder } from 'josm/builder'
     import { DataSetUtil, DataSet } from 'josm/ds'
     const LatLon = Java.type('')
     let dsutil = new DataSetUtil(new DataSet())
       .create({lat: 12.45, lon: 45.56})
       .withTags({'name': 'a-relation'})
     // runs the updates on two primitives in a "batch"
     dsutil.batch(() => {
       // set new coordinates on the node
       dsutil.node(1).setCoor(new LatLon(11.11, 22.22))
       // assign a new name to the relation
       dsutil.relation(2).put('name', 'a-new-name')

Primitives and layers

JOSM provides a UI to display primitives and manipulate them interactively in data layers. If primitives are modified interactively, the respective changes can be undone and redone.

Suppose you manipulate primitives attached to a dataset displayed in a layer. In that case, you are better off applying data commands to the primitives instead of manipulating them directly. For this purpose, the Scripting Plugin provides a command API.

import josm from 'josm'
import { buildChangeCommand } from 'josm/command'
import { DataSetUtil, OsmPrimitiveType} from 'josm/ds'

const dsutil = new DataSetUtil()
  .withPosition(1.0, 2.0)
const layer = josm.layers.addDataLayer({
  name: 'my data layer', 
  ds: dsutil.ds}
// creates and applies two undoable/redoable commands
buildChangeCommand(dsutil.node(1), {lat: 12.45})
buildChangeCommand(dsutil.relation(4), {tags: {name: 'a new name'}})

Find primitives in a dataset

The easiest way to get a hold of a primitive in a dataset is to access it by its unique numeric id.

import { DataSetUtil, OsmPrimitiveType } from 'josm/ds'

// creates a data set util with an empty new data set
const dsutil = new DataSetUtil()
// populate the data set with some objects
  .withNodes(dsutil.node(1), dsutil.node(2))
let node
node = dsutil.get(1, 'node');
// .. or
node = dsutil.node(1)
let way
way = dsutil.get(3, 'way')
// ... or
way = dsutil.way(3)
let relation
relation = dsutil.get(4, OsmPrimitiveType.RELATION)
// ... or
relation = dsutil.relation(4)

In addition, you can search in a dataset using the method query. query accepts two types of search expressions:

  1. a search expression as you would enter it in the JOSM search field
  2. a predicate as JavaScript function which replies either true or false for a primitive
import { DataSetUtil } from 'josm/ds'
import * as console from 'josm/scriptingconsole'

// create a dsutil with an empty new dataset
let dsutil = new DataSetUtil()
  .withTags({'amenity': 'restaurant'})
  .withTags({'amenity': 'hotel'})
let restaurants
// query the dataset with a predicate
restaurants = dsutil.query(primitive => {
    return primitive.get('amenity') === "restaurant"
console.println(`num restaurants: ${restaurants.length}`)
// query the dataset with a JOSM search expression
restaurants = dsutil.query('amenity=restaurant')
console.println(`num restaurants: ${restaurants.length}`)