Scripting native JOSM classes and objects

The embedded Graal.JS scripting engine is tightly integrated with the Java type system. Native java classes, both from the Java SDK and the JOSM code base, are available for scripting.

You can import a Java class with Java.type(...).

import * as console from 'josm/scriptingconsole'

// declare a Java type before using it
const LatLon = Java.type('')

// invoke the constructor of a Java class as you would in a Java programm
const pos = new LatLon(12.34, 45.67)
// static methods provided by a Java class are available for scripting
const ok = LatLon.isValidLat(12.34)
console.println(`12.34 is a valid latitude? ${ok}`)
// instance methods of a java class are available for scripting, too.
const displayName = pos.toDisplayString()