Source: josm/command.mjs

 * A collection of functions to create commands which can be applied, undone
 * and redone on {@class org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer}s.
 * @module josm/command
 * @example
 *  import {
 *    buildAddCommand,
 *    buildChangeCommand,
 *    buildDeleteCommand
 * } from 'josm/command'

/* global Java */
/* global Plugin */

const AddMultiCommand = Plugin.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.scripting.js.api.AddMultiCommand')
const ChangeMultiCommand = Plugin.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.scripting.js.api.ChangeMultiCommand')
const Change = Plugin.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.scripting.js.api.Change')

import * as util from 'josm/util'
import layers from 'josm/layers'

const OsmPrimitive = Java.type('')
const OsmDataLayer = Java.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer')
const Layer = Java.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer')
const UndoRedoHandler = Java.type('')
const CombineWayAction = Java.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.CombineWayAction')
const JavaDeleteCommand = Java.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.command.DeleteCommand')
const LatLon = Java.type('')
const RelationMember = Java.type('')
const ArrayList = Java.type('java.util.ArrayList')
const Map = Java.type('java.util.Map')
const HashMap = Java.type('java.util.HashMap')
const HashSet = Java.type('java.util.HashSet')
const Collection = Java.type('java.util.Collection')
const Command = Java.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command')

const System = Java.type('java.lang.System')

function checkAndFlatten (primitives) {
  const ret = new HashSet()
  function visit (value) {
    if (util.isNothing(value)) return
    if (util.isCollection(value)) {
      util.each(value, visit)
    } else if (value instanceof OsmPrimitive) {
    } else {
        'Unexpected object to add as OSM primitive, got {0}', value)
  return ret

function toArray (collection) {
  if (util.isArray(collection)) return collection
  if (collection instanceof Collection) {
    const ret = []
    for (const it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext();) ret.push(
    return ret

class AbstractCommand {
   * Applies the command to a layer.
   * @param {org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer} layer the data layer
  applyTo(layer) {
      'layer: must not be null or undefined')
    util.assert(layer instanceof OsmDataLayer,
      'layer: expected OsmDataLayer, got {0}', layer)
    const cmd = this.createJOSMCommand(layer)
    try {
    } finally {

  ensureOsmDataLayer(layer) {
      'layer: must not be null or undefined')
    util.assert(layer instanceof OsmDataLayer,
      'layer: expected OsmDataLayer, got {0}', layer)

 * A command to add a collection of objects to a data layer.
 * @param { java.util.Collection| array } objs the objects to add
export class AddCommand extends AbstractCommand {

  constructor(objs) {
    util.assert(objs, 'objs: mandatory parameter missing')
    this._objs = toArray(checkAndFlatten(objs))

   * Creates the internal JOSM command for this command
   * @param {org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer} layer the data layer
   * @returns {org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command} the command
  createJOSMCommand(layer) {
    const list = new ArrayList()
    this._objs.forEach(obj => list.add(obj))
    return new AddMultiCommand(layer, list)

 * Creates a command to add a collection of objects to a data layer.
 * <strong>Signatures</strong>
 * <dl>
 *   <dt><code class="signature">add(obj, obj, ...)</code> </dt>
 *   <dd class="param-desc"><code>obj</code> are {@class}s,
 *   {@class}s, or
 *   {@class}s. Or javascript array
 *   or Java collections thereof.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * @example
 * import {buildAddCommand} from 'josm/command'
 * import layers from 'josm/layer'
 * import {NodeBuilder} from 'josm/builder'
 * const layer  = layers.get('Data Layer 1')
 * // add two nodes
 * buildAddCommand(
 *   NodeBuilder.create(), 
 *   NodeBuilder.create()
 * ).applyTo(layer)
 * @param {...( |[] | java.lang.Collection )} obj the primitives to add
 * @returns {module:josm/command.AddCommand} the command object
export function buildAddCommand(){
  const objs = toArray(checkAndFlatten(arguments))
  return new AddCommand(objs)

 * A command to delete a collection of objects in a data layer.
 * @param {java.util.Collection|array} objs the objects to add
export class DeleteCommand extends AbstractCommand {
  constructor(objs) {
    this._objs = toArray(checkAndFlatten(objs))

   * Creates the internal JOSM command for this command
   * @param {org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer} layer the data layer
   * @returns {org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command} the command object
  createJOSMCommand(layer) {
    const list = new ArrayList()
    this._objs.forEach(obj => list.add(obj))
    return JavaDeleteCommand.delete(list, true /* alsoDeleteNodesInWay */, true /* silent */)

 * Creates a command to delete a collection of objects in  a data layer.
 * @example
 * import {buildDeleteCommand} from 'josm/command'
 * import layers from 'josm/layer'
 * import {NodeBuilder} from 'josm/builder'
 * const layer = layers.get('Data Layer 1')
 * // delete two nodes
 * buildDeleteCommand(NodeBuilder.create(),NodeBuilder.create()).applyTo(layer)
 * *
 * @param {...( |[] | java.lang.Collection )} obj the primitives to delete
 * @returns {module:josm/command.DeleteCommand} the command object
export function buildDeleteCommand() {
  return new DeleteCommand(toArray(checkAndFlatten(arguments)))

function scheduleLatChangeFromPara (para, change) {
  if (!para || !util.isDef( return
    'lat: lat must be a number, got {0}',
    'lat: expected a valid lat, got {0}',

function scheduleLonChangeFromPara (para, change) {
  if (!para || !util.isDef(para.lon)) return
    'lon: lon must be a number, got {0}', para.lon)
    'lon: expected a valid lon, got {0}', para.lon)

function buildLatLon (obj) {
  util.assert(util.isSomething(obj), 'obj: must not be null or undefined')
  util.assert(typeof obj === 'object',
    'obj: expected an object, got {0}', obj)
    ' expected a number, got {0}',
    'obj.lon: expected a number, got {0}', obj.lon)
    ' expected a valid lat in the range [-90,90], got {0}',
    'obj.lon: expected a valid lon in the range [-180,180], got {0}',
  return new LatLon(, obj.lon)

function schedulePosChangeFromPara (para, change) {
  if (!para || !util.isDef(para.pos)) return
  util.assert(para.pos, 'pos must no be null')
  let pos = para.pos
  if (pos instanceof LatLon) {
    // OK
  } else if (typeof pos === 'object') {
    pos = buildLatLon(pos)
  } else {
      'pos: unexpected value, expected LatLon or object, got {0}', pos)

function scheduleNodeChangeFromPara (para, change) {
  if (!para || !util.isDef(para.nodes)) return
  // convert to a Java List ...
  const l = new ArrayList()
  for (let i = 0; i < para.nodes.length; i++) {
  // ... and pass it to the change command

function scheduleMemberChangeFromPara (para, change) {
  if (!para || !util.isDef(para.members)) return
  const l = new ArrayList()
  if (para.members instanceof RelationMember) {
  } else if (para.members instanceof Collection) {
  } else if (util.isArray(para.members)) {
    for (let i = 0; i < para.members.length; i++) {
  } else {
    util.assert(false, 'Expected RelationMember, array or collection ' +
      'of RelationMembers, got {0}', para.members)

function scheduleTagsChangeFromPara (para, change) {
  if (!para || !util.isDef(para.tags)) return
  util.assert(para.tags, 'tags must no be null')
  let tags = para.tags
  if (tags instanceof Map) {
    // OK
  } else if (typeof tags === 'object') {
    const map = new HashMap()
    for (let key in tags) {
      if (!util.hasProp(tags, key)) continue
      const value = tags[key]
      key = util.trim(key)
      map.put(key, value)
    tags = map
  } else {
      'tags: unexpected value, expected Map or object, got {0}', tags)

function changeFromParameters (para) {
  const change = new Change()
  scheduleLatChangeFromPara(para, change)
  scheduleLonChangeFromPara(para, change)
  schedulePosChangeFromPara(para, change)
  scheduleTagsChangeFromPara(para, change)
  scheduleNodeChangeFromPara(para, change)
  scheduleMemberChangeFromPara(para, change)
  return change

 * A command to change a collection of objects in a data layer.
 * @param {java.util.Collection|array}  objs  the objects to change
 * @param {org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.scripting.js.api.Change} change the change specification
export class ChangeCommand extends AbstractCommand {
  constructor(objs, change) {
    this._objs = toArray(checkAndFlatten(objs))
    this._change = change

   * Creates the internal JOSM command for this command
   * @param {org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.OsmDataLayer} layer the data layer
   * @returns {org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command} the command object
  createJOSMCommand(layer) {
    const list = new ArrayList()
    this._objs.forEach(obj => list.add(obj))
    return new ChangeMultiCommand(layer, list, this._change)

 * A lat/lon position as a JavaScript object.
 * @typedef {Object} LatLonSpec
 * @property {number} lat the latitude of the position
 * @property {number} lon the longitude of the position
 * @example
 * const latLonSpec = {
 *  lat: 1.0,
 *  lon: 1.0
 * }

 * The change specification for a change command.
 * @typedef {Object} ChangeSpec
 * @property {number} lat  if present and applied to a node, changes the nodes latitude
 * @property {number} lon  if present and applied to a node, changes the nodes longitude
 * @property {| module:josm/command~LatLonSpec} pos if present and applied to a node,
 *  changes the nodes position
 * @property {java.util.Map | object} tags if present, changes the tags of the target object
 * @property {java.util.List |[]} nodes if present and applied to a way, changes
 *   the ways nodes 
 * @property {java.util.List |[]} nodes if present and applied to a relation, changes
 *   the relations members
 * @example
 * // change the positon of a node 
 * const changeSpec1 = {
 *    lat: 1.0,
 *    lon: 2.0
 * }
 * // change the tags of one or more primitives
 * const changeSpec2 = {
 *    tags: {
 *       amentity: 'restaurant' 
 *    }
 * }

 * Creates a command to change a collection of objects in  a data layer.
 * The mandatory last argument is an object with named parameters.
 * @example
 * import {buildChangeCommand} from 'josm/command'
 * import layers from 'josm/layers'
 * const layer = layers.get("Data Layer 1")
 * // change the position of a node
 * buildChangeCommand(n1, {lat: 123.45, lon: 44.234}).applyTo(layer)
 * // change the tags of a collection of primitives
 * buildChangeCommand(n1, n3, w1, r1, {
 *    tags: {'mycustomtag': 'value'}
 * }).applyTo(layer)
 * @returns {module:josm/command.ChangeCommand} the change command object
 * @param {...( |[] | java.lang.Collection )} objs  the objects to change. See documentation.
 * @param {module:josm/command~ChangeSpec} change  the change specification
export function buildChangeCommand() {
  let objs = []
  let change
  switch (arguments.length) {
    case 0:
        'Unexpected number of arguments, got {0} arguments',

    default: {
      const a = arguments[arguments.length - 1]
      if (a instanceof OsmPrimitive) {
          'Argument {0}: unexpected last argument, expected named ' +
          'parameters, got {0}', a)
      } else if (typeof a === 'object') {
        // last argument is an object with named parameters
        objs =, 0, -1)
        change = changeFromParameters(a)
      } else {
          'Argument {0}: unexpected type of value, got {1}',
          arguments.length - 1, a)

  const tochange = checkAndFlatten(objs)
  return new ChangeCommand(tochange, change)

 * Accessor to the global command history.
 * <p>
 * Provides static methods to redo and undo commands.
 * @summary Accessor to the global command history
export class CommandHistory {

   * Undoes the last <code>depth</code> commands.
   * @param {number} [depth=1]  the number of commands to be undone
  static undo(depth) {
    if (util.isDef(depth)) {
      util.assert(util.isNumber(depth), 'depth: expected a number, got {0}',
      util.assert(depth > 0, 'depth: expected number > 0, got {0}', depth)
    const undoRedoHandler = UndoRedoHandler.getInstance()
    if (depth) {
    } else {

   * Redoes the last <code>depth</code> commands.
   * @param {number} [depth=1]  the number of commands to be redone.
  static redo(depth) {
    if (util.isDef(depth)) {
      util.assert(util.isNumber(depth), 'depth: expected a number, got {0}',
      util.assert(depth > 0, 'depth: expected number > 0, got {0}', depth)
    const undoRedoHandler = UndoRedoHandler.getInstance()
    if (depth) {
    } else {

   * Removes commands in the command history, either all commands, or only the
   * commands  applied to a specific layer.
   * @param {org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer} [layer]  the
   * reference layer. Only commands applied to this layer are removed. Default
   * if missing: <strong>all</strong> commands are removed.
  static clear(layer) {
    const undoRedoHandler = UndoRedoHandler.getInstance()

    function clearAll () {

    function clearForLayer (layer) {

    switch (arguments.length) {
      case 0: clearAll(); break
      case 1: {
        const layer = arguments[0]
        util.assert(layer instanceof Layer, 'Expected a Layer, got {0}', layer)
        util.assert(false, 'Unexpected number of arguments')

* Combines two or more ways into one resulting way.
* <p>
* Reuses the logic behind the JOSM standard menu entry Tools-&gt;Combine Ways.
* If invoked from a script, this may trigger modal dialogs which are presented
* to the user, in particular if the direction of the ways has to be reversed
* because otherwise they could not be combined.
* @param ways the ways to be combined
* @example
* import {combineWays} from 'josm/command'
* import layers from 'josm/layer'
* const ds =
* const ways  = [ds.way(1), ds.way(2), ds.way(3)]
* // pass in an array ...
* combineWays(ways)
* // ... or the individual ways ...
* combineWays(ds.way(1), ds.way(2), ds.way(3))
* // ... or any combination thereof.
* @summary Combines two or more ways into one resulting way.
* @param { | array} ways the ways to be combined
* @static
export function combineWays() {
  // ways becomes a java.util.HashSet
  const ways = checkAndFlatten(arguments)

  // remove any primitives which are not nodes from the arguments
  const it = ways.iterator()
  while (it.hasNext()) {
    const primitive =
    if (primitive == null || !primitive.isWay) {
  // at least two remaining ways required to combine them. If less, just
  // return, don't throw
  if (ways.size() <= 1) return

  const activeLayer = layers.activeLayer
  if (activeLayer == null) return

  const ret = CombineWayAction.combineWaysWorker(ways)
  // happens, if combineWayWorkers presents a modal dialog and the user
  // aborts it
  if (ret == null) return
  // ret.b is the SequenceCommand which combines the ways into one
  // resulting ways. Apply this command to the active layer.

* Combines the currently selected ways in the active layer into one resulting
* way.
* Returns without effect if
* <ul>
*   <li>there is no active layer</li>
*   <li>the active layer is not a data layer</li>
*   <li>there are less than two selected ways in the active layer</li>
* </ul>
* Reuses the logic behind the JOSM standard menu entry Tools-&gt;Combine Ways.
* If invoked from a script, this may trigger modal dialogs which are presented
* to the user, in particular if the direction of the ways has to be reversed
* because otherwise they could not be combined.
* @example
* import {combineSelectedWays} from 'josm/command'
* import layers from 'josm/layer'
* const ds =
* combineSelectedWays(ways)
* @summary Combines the currently selected ways.
* @static
export function combineSelectedWays() {
  const activeLayer = layers.activeLayer
  if (activeLayer == null) return
  const ways =
  if (ways == null || ways.length <= 1) return