Source: josm.mjs

 * This modules exports an objects with a set of properties and methods
 * to access JOSMs internals.
 * @example
 *   import josm from 'josm'
 * @module josm
/* global Java */

const Version = Java.type('')
const JOptionPane = Java.type('javax.swing.JOptionPane')
const HelpAwareOptionPane = Java.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.HelpAwareOptionPane')
const MainApplication = Java.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication')

import * as util from 'josm/util'
import * as console from 'josm/scriptingconsole'
import layers from 'josm/layers'
import {MenuBar} from 'josm/ui/menu'
import {CommandHistory} from 'josm/command'

const josm = {}
export default josm

 * Replies the current JOSM version string.
 * @example
 * import josm from 'josm'
 * josm.alert(josm.version)
 * @property {string} version the JOSM version
 * @readOnly
 * @static
 * @name version
 * @summary JOSM version string
Object.defineProperty(josm, 'version', {
  enumerable: true,
  get: function () {
    return Version.getInstance().getVersionString()

 * Replies the layers object.
 * @example
 * import josm from 'josm'
 * josm.alert('num layers: ' + josm.layers.length)
 * // name of first layer
 * josm.alert('num layers: ' + josm.layers.get(0).name)
 * @readOnly
 * @name layers
 * @static
 * @property {module:josm/layers} layers  the layers object
 * @summary accessor for JOSM layers
Object.defineProperty(josm, 'layers', {
  enumerable: true,
  get: function () {
    return layers

 * Displays an alert window with a message
 * <strong>Signatures</strong>
 * <dl>
 *   <dt><code class="signature">alert(message)</code><dt>
 *   <dd class="param-desc">Displays an information message with an OK button.</dd>
 *   <dt><code class="signature">alert(message, ?options)</code><dt>
 *   <dd class="param-desc">Displays a message. The look and feel of the alert window depends on
 *   the <var>options</var>. The following options are supported:
 *   <dl>
 *      <dt><code>title</code>:string</dt>
 *      <dd class="param-desc">(optional) the window title. A string is expected. Empty string
 *      if missing.</dt>
 *      <dt class="param-desc"><code>messageType</code></dt>
 *      <dd class="param-desc">(optional) the message type. Use one of the following values:
 *         <ul>
 *            <li>{@class javax.swing.JOptionPane}.INFORMATION_MESSAGE,
 *            "info","information"</li>
 *            <li>{@class javax.swing.JOptionPane}.ERROR_MESSAGE,
 *                     "error"</li>
 *            <li>{@class javax.swing.JOptionPane}.WARNING_MESSAGE,
 *                    "warning", "warn"</li>
 *            <li>{@class javax.swing.JOptionPane}.QUESTION_MESSAGE,
 *                    "question"</li>
 *            <li>{@class javax.swing.JOptionPane}.PLAIN_MESSAGE,
 *                    "plain"</li>
 *         </ul>
 *         Default value is
 *         {@class javax.swing.JOptionPane}.INFORMATION_MESSAGE.
 *         String values are not case sensitive and leading and
 *         trailing white space is removed.
 *      </dd>
 *   </dl>
 *   </dd>
 * </dl>
 * @example
 * import josm from 'josm'
 * // display an information alert
 * josm.alert('Hello World!')
 * // display an error alert
 * josm.alert('Got an error', {
 *    title: 'Error Alert',
 *    messageType: 'error'
 * })
 * @summary display a message
 * @param {string} message  the message
 * @function
 * @static
josm.alert = function () {
  const map = {
    information: JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE,
    info: JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE,
    error: JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
    warning: JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
    warn: JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE,
    question: JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,
    plain: JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE

  function titleFromOptions (options) {
    return util.isString(options.title) ? options.title : ''

  function messageTypeFromOptions (options) {
    if (util.isNumber(options.messageType)) {
      const mt = options.messageType
      for (const key in map) {
        if (!util.hasProp(map, key)) continue
        if (mt === map[key]) return mt
      return JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE
    } else if (util.isString(options.messageType)) {
      const opt = util.trim(options.messageType).toLowerCase()
      const ret = map[opt]
      return ret !== undefined ? ret : JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE
    return JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE

  switch (arguments.length) {
    case 0: return
    case 1:
        arguments[0], '', JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null)

    default: {
      if (typeof arguments[1] !== 'object') {
          arguments[0], '', JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null)
      const title = titleFromOptions(arguments[1])
      const messageType = messageTypeFromOptions(arguments[1])
        arguments[0], title, messageType, null)

 * Opens one or more files in JOSM.
 * Accepts a variable number of files. Each argument is either a string
 * (a file name) or a {@class}.
 * Creates and opens layers in JOSM, depending on the kind of file opened:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>creates a data layer for data files</li>
 *   <li>creates a gpx layer for gpx files</li>
 *   <li>creates an image layer for a directory with images</li>
 *   <li>etc.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @example
 * import josm from 'josm'
 * // open a data file in a new data layer
 * @summary Opens one or more files in JOSM
 * @param {...( | string)} files files to open
 * @function
 * @static
 */ = function () {
  const OpenFileAction = Java.type('org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.OpenFileAction')
  const File = Java.type('')

  const files = []
  for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    const file = arguments[i]
    if (util.isNothing(file)) {
    } else if (util.isString(file)) {
      files.push(new File(file))
    } else if (file instanceof File) {
    } else {
      util.assert(false, 'expected or string, got {0}', file)
  // openFiles is async

 * Replies the global command history.
 * Use this object to undo/redo commands, or to clear the command
 * history.
 * @example
 * import josm from 'josm'
 * // undoes the last command
 * josm.commands.undo()
 * // redoes two commands
 * josm.commands.redo(2)
 * @readOnly
 * @name commands
 * @property {module:josm/command.CommandHistory} commands
 * @summary the global command history
 * @static
Object.defineProperty(josm, 'commands', {
  enumerable: true,
  value: CommandHistory

 * Replies an accessor for JOSMs menu bar.
 * Use this object to inspect or modify the menu bar, i.e. to add additional
 * menu items.
 * @readOnly
 * @property {module:josm/ui/menu~MenuBar} menu accessor for JOSMs menu bar
 * @name menu
 * @static
 * @summary Replies an accessor for JOSMs menu bar.
Object.defineProperty(josm, 'menu', {
  enumerable: true,
  value: MenuBar

 * Replies an accessor to the JOSM scripting console.
 * Use this object to write messages to the scripting console
 * @readOnly
 * @property {module:josm/scriptingconsole} console accessor to the JOSM scripting console
 * @name console
 * @static
 * @summary Replies an accessor to the JOSM scripting console.
Object.defineProperty(josm,  'console', {
  enumerable: true,
  value: console